Tuesday 21 September 2010

Buster Keaton

The Buster Keaton task:

We had to use InDesign to produce a newspaper page about a man called Buster Keaton.
I took some screen prints to show how i done some of the tasks and what tools on InDesign i used.

This screem print shows how i was adjusting the stroke on the image. I done this so any changes i made wouldn't obscure the image.

This screen print is showing the symbol which is teeling me i have text flowing over another part of the page. I had to click on this symbol and then click on the frame i wanted the text to go in to bring it out. This is called hidden text.

After bringing out the hidden text and placing it in another frame of Buster Keaton, it looked like this. I had to format the text to make it a suitable size and font to fit the frame.

This is my finished newspaper page, with everything complete.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Digital Graphics - Animal faces

What I did - To start with I had to find a high resolution picture on google. This was of an animal of my choice. Then i had to take a picture of my friend and upload it onto the computer. I used both of these photos in my 'animal face' image. For my final picture i combined botht the images to make a half human and half animal face.

How I did it - I did this by using photoshop, and many of the tools on the program. I had to use tools on photoshop (like the lasso tool) to take out feautures of my friends face, like eys, the motuh, the nose etc. And then put them onto the picture of the animal I had chosen.  I used the eraser tool to rub out and blend in the features of the human to the face of the animal.

What i thought of my results - I thought the results of my image was pretty good. The eyes blended in well with the face of the moneky because its dark and was easy to merge. So when you look closely you can't really tell its been photoshoped in. The mouth was a little harder because the colour of the moth and lips are much lighter than the rest of the original face, so i had to try and make it blend in as well as possible.